Inner and Outer Beauty Forever! Take care of your skin from the inside and from the outside to maintain beauty forever! Thu, 02 Nov 2023 15:39:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Inner and Outer Beauty Forever! 32 32 171906652 EXFOLIATE WITH FRUIT! Thu, 02 Nov 2023 15:18:10 +0000 ( Read More )]]> ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE NATURAL METHODS FOR EXFOLIATING YOUR SKIN IS FRUIT!

It’s especially helpful when you have very little time and don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive products or procedures to resurface your skin.

Many people eat fruit in the morning, so it’s easy to use them for your facial exfoliation. You can do it while you are preparing your fruit smoothie and save time!

To exfoliate with fruit, always avoid the eye area, and never use over broken skin. Try these great options;

  • MANGO peel insides are safe for beginners, wipe the inside gently over the skin; allow 20 min to work.
  • PINEAPPLE is very effective and easy to use; gently smooth the hard inner core over skin, let sit for 20 min.
  • CITRUS FRUIT freshly squeezed and applied with gauze can remove dead cells in 20 min.

NOTE: Do not use fruit resurfacers over severely broken skin, or if your dermatologist has already prescribed a topical facial treatment for resurfacing.

Fruit juice resurfacing is considered a chemical exfoliation. See this page for more information on Chemical Versus Manual Exfoliation.

Exfoliating with fruit is such a fantastic and effective way to remove skin cells. You’ll have fresh and glowing skin at a fraction of the cost of expensive products or treatments, and fruit is safe enought to use several times a week for maximum results.


  1. AVOID THE EYE AREA completely. Never apply products inside the natural socket of the eye-bone. 
  2. AVOID DRIPPING IN THE EYE: Begin the application low on the chin. Move the product upwards with a piece of gauze. If using low-acid fruit juice, fingers are fine for application.
  3. PLAN THE ENTIRE PROCESS: It is dangerous to use an acid exfoliator without having the rinse procedure ready ahead of time. Be fully prepared.
  4. DON’T BE A HERO: If it burns or itches too much, even if it’s only after a few seconds, REMOVE THE PRODUCT IMMEDIATELY ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTIONS. Itching or burning can happen if you have sensitive skin or if you are new to resurfacing. Most people need to work up to longer sessions when exfoliating. Even acids from fruit juice can irritate sensitive skin.

Now that you know how to exfoliate safely, you’re ready to begin. Now let’s EXFOLIATE WITH FRUIT!

The first fruit-exfoliator we’ll talk about is Mango.

1. MANGOES 🥭 are an excellent skin resurfacer. They’re great if you’ve never tried resurfacing or peels because they’re gentle and effective.


  • After peeling the mango, rub the inside of the peel gently over your skin, avoiding the eye area. The acid in the mango is what dissolves the old skin cells.
  • Leave it on for at least 20 minutes. If your skin begins to dry, moisten it with the mango skin again, or a mist of water.
  • Wash it off and apply a moisturizer.
  • Mango can generally be applied several times a week on all but the most sensitive skin.

Next, we’ll move on to Pineapple for exfoliating, it’s another great option because it’s very effective. It’s good for anyone who has already done resurfacing, or who is ready for something a bit stronger than mango. It’s also economical and easy to use.

2. PINEAPPLE 🍍🍍 is one of my all time favorite skin resurfacers.


  • Pineapple juice is pretty strong! It may feel kind of itchy, and it may sting any acne or sores. To avoid this, apply a tiny dot of olive oil, or another protective moisturizer to those areas first, and avoid them during the treatment.
    1. Cut off all of the rough, outer layer of the pineapple and discard.
    2. Slice the entire fruit lengthwise down the center, and then again, so that you have four quarters of pineapple.
    3. Cut the center, hard strip from each pineapple quarter. You should end up with four long strips, (they are shaped a little like ” Toblerone” chocolate bars😆.)
  • Gently wipe one of these center strips all over the face to spread the juice on the skin; avoid the eye area.
  • Wait four or five minutes and do the same thing with the next strip; continue this process until you’ve used all four sections.
  • Wash the pineapple off, rinse well, and apply a moisturizer. You can do this two or three times a week.

3. CITRUS FRUIT 🍊🍋 is a great exfoliator. Oranges, grapefruits and lemons are all naturally acidic.


  • Don’t use it over broken skin. Protect these areas with a little olive oil before beginning.
  • Cut a fresh citrus fruit into wedges.
  • Squeeze a little fresh juice on a sterile gauze pad and dab it directly on your skin.
  • Reapply with fresh juice 3-4 times, waiting 5 minutes between applications. (mist with water to re-moisten)
  • Wash and rinse well, then moisturize.


Now you know how to easily and effectively remove old, surface skin cells by gently exfoliating with simple fruit. You can boast to your friends that you didn’t spend hundreds of dollars on fresh, glowing skin!

For more articles on health and beauty, click this link to my homepage or SUBSCRIBE and receive the best kept and economical French beauty secret, and emails on new posts! I do not sell or share emails.

A313 & Retinols, plus 7 Anti-Aging Techniques to Improve Collagen Production Thu, 28 Sep 2023 08:48:25 +0000 ( Read More )]]> Build and Improve Collagen Production With:
  • Retinols like A313
  • Tapotement
  • Massage
  • Slapping
  • Lasers
  • Micro-needling
  • Skin Resurfacing

Why Collagen Is So Important

Collagen is the building block of your body. Collagen is used in tendons, muscles, bones, intestinal lining, and of course the one we will notice most as we age; the connective tissues of our skin – specifically, the skin on our face.

So when people talk about improving collagen, it’s our entire body that benefits, not just the slackening skin of our face, so it’s totally worth it to improve your collagen levels.

But how does boosting collagen levels improve your skin? 

How Collagen Improves And Tightens Skin

When people talk about collagen and how it keeps skin from slackening or drooping, this is how it works.

In this picture of a cross section of skin, you can see how the collagen fibers on the left are fully connected and holding the skin tightly onto the muscle. On the right, collagen fibers are degrading and broken, leading to an appearance of sagging skin.

You also see elastin in the picture above. It also keeps skin young and healthy. Elastin allows your skin to bounce back quickly into place after it’s stretched or pulled, and it keeps skin looking youthful. Improving collagen will help improve elastin as well!

By improving collagen levels, you give your body the basic materials it needs to repair those broken collagen fibers.

So many things can cause the collagen fibers to degrade – not just age! Poor diet, lack of sleep, not enough exercise are among a few. A meta-analysis of data published over a few decades shows that sun exposure and air pollution are two of the biggest factors in skin aging, including air polluted by cigarette smoke. These all contribute to the weakening and breaking of collagen fibers. 

Learn 7 Ways To Improve Sleep here!

Now let’s look at how to improve collagen and elastin and keep a more youthful appearance!

7 Proven Techniques For Tightening Skin And Building Collagen


This is one of the easiest ways to build collagen in your skin, and A313 is one of the easiest, most effective, and cheapest to use! It’s been around for decades in France.

Retinols work by interacting with cell receptors in the skin to synthesize and deposit glucosoaminiglycans – a mucopolysaccharide that is one of the most important proteins in the production of collagen and elastin. 

Remember that retinols do need time to be the most effective. You will see clearer and brighter skin within days because the retinols also help skin to slough off more quickly, revealing fresh, new, skin cells. And you’ll see real improvement in firmness, elasticity, and the tightening of skin with daily use in only 6 months.


Tapotement is a simple treatment you can do at home. Tapotement is simply lightly striking the face with the tips of the fingers in the direction of facial massage. Tapotement works to stimulate collagen production because as you gently ‘pummel’ the skin, it creates a slight trauma response that builds collagen. This is why doing regular facials is so good for your skin.


Massage brings nourishing blood to the skin and clears old fluids from the lymph nodes. Did you know that of the 600 lymph nodes in your body, over 300 are only in the head and neck?! So it’s important to clear those out and to bring circulation and new collagen building materials to replenish the skin on your face.


This one is quite funny, and I learned about it watching a comedian bring his 80 year-old father on a world tour.

The comedian went to a beauty parlor in Asia that promised younger looking skin. The therapy was that his face was quite strongly slapped this way and that while he sat in the beauty chair. The expressions on their faces were priceless! I happened to be watching it while I was at the gym and I laughed so hard I nearly fell off the treadmill.

But the basic idea of the slapping is actually effective, it encourages the same collagen-building response as tapotement or laser (explained below). 

In fact, a part of Korean daily beauty treatment is to apply lotions and cosmetics with a tapping motion, they don’t just smooth them onto the skin. Again, the concept here is that the daily, light tapping helps build more collagen fibers.

So tap your skin during cosmetic application!

The next three techniques are a more targeted form of trauma used to build collagen. 


Lasers are directed at the collagen building areas below the surface. The lasers gently ‘wound’ the cells into creating more collagen. Down time is minimal, depending on what treatment you receive and the sensitivity of your skin. They are very effective! Have them done regularly to maintain collagen at optimum levels.


Micro-needling is a different way to achieve the same effect. Tiny needles are used to build up collagen by stimulating the cells in the top surface of your skin. This builds collagen and improves slackening skin. 

Both lasers and micro-needling can also be used to minimize scarring, or pitting from acne and chickenpox.


Your dermatologist or med-spa will have several options for resurfacing skin with acids and chemical peels. They all help to build collagen, and they can minimize wrinkles and dark spots by revealing new cells.

You can even recreate to a lesser extent the collagen-building effect of expensive resurfacing at home by simply using gentle acid peels. This is also less invasive and has minimal-to-no downtime from work or other activities.

Regular use of gentle acid peels has been well documented to improve collagen levels. You can even use fruit acids!

Get Enough Collagen!

We all hear about collagen everywhere, it’s in bone broth, you can buy it in pill form and powder, and of course, it’s in cosmetics.

The best way to get enough collagen is to consume it in bone broths or collagen powders, eat a healthy diet, and get plenty of fresh air and exercise.

Here are my picks for getting more collagen!

My top pick is Dr Axe’s Multi-Collagen powder. It has several types of collagen to ensure you’re getting what you need. It dissolves right into drinks, smoothies, or soups, and you can buy it flavored or unflavored.

My next pick is to drink bone broth. Bone broth should always be made with organic, grass-fed-and-finished bones. This means that the animal should have been pasture raised and never have been fed any grains. It’s important because grains are heavily sprayed with pesticides, and when they can’t be excreted, they are deposited in bones. This ends up in your bone broth and then your body where it leads to aging skin.

When I first researched bone broths, I found two brands that were made with the above standards: ‘Kettle & Fire’ and ‘Epic’. They are a bit expensive, but you only need to drink one cup daily for it to be effective. I love Epic’s Cranberry and Sage chicken broth!

If you buy other bone broths, make sure you check how they are made, not all bone broths are equal!

My last pick is collagen creams, although their efficacy is not as potent as consuming collagen. Any cream you buy over the counter because of FDA rules cannot legally penetrate into the lower dermal cells where it’s needed. You’ll need a Doctors prescription for an effective topical collagen cream.

So be sure you consume enough collagen or foods that build collagen to allow your skin to rebuild collagen regularly!

How to make your own bone broth:

Fill a pot 1/2 way with organic, grass-fed and finished animal bones. (Roast the bones dry for an hour for more flavor)

Fill pot with water to cover, plus one cup of organic apple cider vinegar.

Bring to a boil and lower to simmer for minimum of 12, maximum of 24 hours.

Strain liquid into jars and keep for up to 4 days in the fridgeand use as a base for any soup.

For easy, daily, collagen building power, freeze it into ice cube trays and eat 2-3 cubes daily as a broth.

Authors Recipe

Concluding Notes

So don’t forget to use A313 or other retinols daily. Daily tapping and massage, and regular resurfacing at home or professionally will keep skin looking young, firm, and healthy well into old age!

Want more tips for fresh and youthful skin? Take a look at, Hyaluronic Acid To The Rescue!


Environmental Stressors on Skin Aging. Mechanistic Insights, accessed October 26, 2023

Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety, accessed October 26, 2023,,cellular%20and%20nucleic%20acid%20receptors.

Impact of Pesticides on Environmental and Human Health, accessed October 26, 2023,

Hepatic Bio-transformation – AKA Detoxing! Sun, 24 Sep 2023 19:10:13 +0000 ( Read More )]]> What does it really mean to detox, and what is Hepatic Bio-transformation?

Firstly, the information from this article comes in large part from direct quotation or paraphrasing (for brevity and clarification) of the live-chat on this subject, given by Dr. Kharrazian on facebook. It is now subsequently a video on YouTube entitled, « How To Detox Safely ».

The reason for this post is to clarify and categorize the enormous amount of information in that video, and to add additional clarifying information and links for people who are not part of the health and medical industry. Now, on to the good stuff!


Detoxing is simply your body performing routine cleaning. It converts toxins into a *water-soluble metabolite that our body can excrete from our body in urine, sweat, and feces.

*(a molecule that can be dissolved in water)

Toxins come from everywhere. Cosmetics, air pollution, *formaldehyde from manufacturing, clothing production, food-born bacteria, even synthetic scents from cosmetics, candles, cleaning products, and perfume! The list goes on and on.

*formaldehyde exudes, or is « off-gassed » from newly manufactured clothing, furnishings, and appliances. These are only a few examples of chemical off-gassing

What are Obesogens?

Now, if these every-day toxins cannot be cleared from the body, they are either stored in adipocytes (fat cells) or they roam the body as free-radicals. Certain toxins like BPA, BPS or any other derived « BP » products are hard to clear from the body, so they’re stored in fat cells. They’re called obesogens because they actually make you fat!

What are Heavy Metals?

Heavy metals are also hard to clear. Lead (found in a lot of chocolate production), mercury (found in top-of-food-chain fish like tuna), and cadmium, (found in cigarette smoke), are also stored in the body.

Toxins and heavy metals need to be removed daily so they don’t roam your body as free radicals, causing damage and disease. So a healthy diet, proper sleep, and daily exercise are crucial.

The key goal with detoxing is to be able to clear out these chemicals and pollutants from normal every-day life.

So what are the mechanisms or ways in which we clear these out?


We are now entering the world of «DETOXING».

Detoxing is simply a general way to explain the body’s normal cleaning process. The true term is, HEPATIC-BIO-TRANSFORMATION HEPATIC, (from the latin ‘HEPA’, meaning, «Liver». «BIO» (biological; natural), « and “TRANSFORMATION”, to change.

Hepatic Bio-transformation must occur to keep you healthy. It happens when toxins are metabolized/converted, or «transformed» by your liver into compounds that can be eliminated in sweat, urine, and feces.

In the liver there are many different pathways where this happens. They have names depending on which pathway they are; glucoronidation, sulfation, acetylation, and methylation are some of these pathways. All of these pathway names refer to which process is happening to transform a toxin. They refer to what type of amino acid or chemical the pathway uses to convert the different toxins into something water soluble that can be eliminated.

One of the pathways is called glutathionylation. It needs Glutathione to process chemicals and ‘detox’ your body. According to, Glutathione is one of the most numerous and important antioxidants in your body. So for that pathway to function, you need plenty of it! It’s found in large amounts in avocado, spinach, and asparagus.

So you know now that these pathways get rid of toxins, here’s how it all works.


There are two phases your body needs to complete to convert toxins into harmless, water-soluble molecules.


In Phase 1 – Toxins enter your body and are immediately funneled into a process called oxidation, reduction or hydroxylation. This simply means that there is a transfer of an electron on the toxin, or a slight change to the chain structure of the chemical to enable its transformation in a Phase 2 pathway. The toxin is now what’s called a ‘free radical’.


In Phase 2 – The liver now takes this free radical and binds it to a different Amino Acid or metabolyte to make it water soluble. Once an Amino Acid or metabolyte binds to the toxin, that compound (toxin) becomes Water Soluble, then we can eliminate it!

Even excess hormones (and certain Endocrine Disruptors like BPA), need to go through these Phase 1 and 2 pathways to be removed.


There are many different pathways. One is Methylation. In the Methylation pathway, there are two carbons that are attached to the free radical to make it water soluble.

Another is Acetylation. In Acetylation, one carbon of Acetyl is attached to the free radical to make it water soluble.

Then there’s glutathione conjugation. The tripeptide amino acid, glutathione, binds to the Phase 1 metabolyte and makes it water soluble. These are just a few examples of many.

So, different free radicals go through different Phase 2 pathways. Some go through methylation, some go through glutathione conjugation, some go through glucoronidation.


Problems can start if someone has impairments in Phase 2. For example if they don’t have enough Glutathione, then compounds which have been transformed into free radicals can’t be completed in Phase 2 to become water-soluble. Then these free-radicals can get into circulation and cause lots of inflammation and oxidative stress.

So in order for us to get rid of chemicals, these Phase 1 and Phase 2 pathways need to function at top efficiency. When chemicals go through Phase 1 and become free radicals, they actually become more inflammatory and more reactive than before.

Therefore, the process of Phase 1, which is necessary to change the structure of the toxin, creates a free-radical oxidative response. But it’s what must happen to get the toxin out of the body. This is why both Phase 1 AND Phase 2 need to be healthy and working correctly!

So it’s really important for us to have healthy Phase 2 pathways. So let’s talk about Phase 2 pathways. Phase 2 is like a coin sorter that separates coins into quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Different chemicals have to go through different pathways just like the coins go into different slots.

So that’s the big picture of chemical Detoxification or Hepatic Bio-transformation.


Now, we all have different degrees of efficiency in these pathways. Let’s look a little closer at how they work, because detox is not as simple as taking a botanical element like Chlorella or N-Acetyl Cysteine and thinking it’s going to make you better.

You really want to understand what’s happening and why there’s so much diversity. Some people respond differently to different toxins and chemicals, and other people respond to some treatments and don’t respond to other treatments. So first, let’s look at Genetics.


The first key thing to understand is that because we’re all genetically different, we all have these different Phase 2 pathways – the coin sorter. Remember that each of these pathways clears out different chemicals. There are some genes and genetic differences that impact how effective each person is at clearing out certain pathways.

For example, some people have genetic uniquenesses where they can’t synthesize glutathione as much. Others can’t make enough glucaronic acid for the Phase 2. These are only two examples of many possible genetic differences.

There is a field of study called PHARMACOGENETICS, which is the STUDY OF GENETIC DETOX PATHWAYS. It studies the different genetic variations in our detox/liver bio transformation pathways. They call these pharmacogenetic pathways. These pathways can also change over time.

The field is still researching information, so until we come up with a system to genetically map everyone so we can achieve perfect health, you just need to remember a few things:

Certain chemicals are harder to metabolize by certain gene uniquenesses, and certain diseases have been associated with these gene uniquenesses. And this is where your environment combined with your genes can make you at risk for certain exposures and compromise your health.

This is why you need to focus on your health and wellness. Don’t put yourself at risk with poor diet, bad sleep habits, and a sedentary lifestyle.


METHYLATION – In this pathway, if you had a genetic weakness where you didn’t have ideal methylation, and you also really became deficient in nutrients that support this pathway – *Folate and B12( see link below) – then if you get exposed to the particular free radical that has to be metabolized by methylation, then you can have some serious problems.

*For more details on methylation and B Vitamins see article: “Link between methyl nutrients and the DNA methylation process in the course of selected diseases in adults

BPA DETOXING – We also know that certain diseases also have a hard time processing synthetic chemicals. For example, in patients that have Parkinson’s disease, we know they have a unique characteristic where they can’t metabolize BPA. Then that BPA in the system becomes reactive. And it can create an immuno-reactive response to something called ‘Alphas Nuclein’.

GLUCORONIDATION – Another example where a genetic problem can happen is with glucoronic acid. This is another Phase 2 Pathway. In order for the pathway glucoronidation to function, you have to make glucoronic-acid. So you have to have glucose in your cells.

Improve detox pathways by eating plenty of cruciferous vegetables!

People that are chronically hypo-glycemic, or have uncontrolled blood sugar issues and diabetes, their glucoronic-acid levels are not as efficient compared to healthy people. So now their blood sugar issue doesn’t allow glucose to get into the cell that needs that substrate (glucose) to make glucoronic acid. If you don’t have enough glucoronic acid you may not be able to metabolize chemicals that depend on that particular Phase 2 biotransformation pathway, aka glucoronidation.


So you have your Phase 1 and Phase 2, and you have genetic differences which make you more or less efficient in these processing these pathways. Your lifestyle and diet can also play with your genes and make you either more or less efficient in processing these chemicals.

Let’s look at how to make these pathways as efficient as possible.


Now typically in these Phase 1 and Phase 2 pathways, we rely on some Key Nutrients to work.

So as we know from above, some people have genetic uniquenesses where they’re not efficient in one of the above pathways. The most common weakness is methyl-tetrahydrafolate polymorphase reductism*, about 20-25% of the US Population is affected. This means they don’t have efficient methylation pathways, (the adding of a two-carbon group) and they really needs higher amounts of things like Folate and B12 to make them more efficient compared to other people.

Your pathways are highly reliant on the body’s antioxidant system to be able to quench some of those toxic metabolytes and to play a role in this process. Anti-oxidants like flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols are needed. Glutathione for Glutathione Conjugation, or garlic and onions for the Sulfation pathway when sulfur is attached to the free-radical. So you need your anti-oxidant system fit for the Phase 1 pathways, and you need plenty of Amino Acids and different vitamins and substrates in Phase 2.

When you look at what neutraceutical companies put in detox products that they produce and market to help clear out those pathways, they’re loaded with N-Acetyl Cysteine, Cysteine, Glutathione, B-Vitamins, like Folate and other B’s, and different anti-oxidants, Because those are the cofactors that are supportive of those Phase 1 and 2 pathways.

This means you need to eat vegetables and fruits of all colors, especially strongly colored foods like berries, carrots, beets, and dark leafy greens.


Surprise! They’ve also found that these Phase 1 and 2 pathways that take place in the liver, also take place in the gut, by the bacteria!! This is called Microbiome Bio-transformation, read about the Microbiome in my article, What Is A Microbiome and How Do I promote Its Health And Diversity?

Bacterial Species in the gut (intestines) have enzymes just like the liver does. They clear out pollutants and toxins and turn them into a metabolytes capable of being eliminated in urine and feces.

This is why it’s absolutely crucial to have healthy and diverse bacteria living in your gut.

ln Mircobiome Bio-transformation, different bacterial species have different enzymes that impact different chemicals. So having a healthy microbiome diversity optimizes the different types of Bacteria, and all these different bacteria have different enzymes to metabolize different types of chemicals.


So once the chemicals have gone through Phase 1 and 2, and become a metabloyte that is water soluble, the next step is that those compounds are funneled through portal pathways and are combined with Bile in your Gall Bladder. Your Gall Bladder has to contract (squeeze) to release the metabolytes that have been cleared in Phase 1 and 2, so that they can be pushed into the GI tract, where they can be combined with, and eliminated in, fecal material.

So Gall Bladder function is critical.


Having normal bowel motility is important to eliminate these metabolytes. If they’re not eliminated, then they recirculate into your system. (MORE TO COME ON THIS TOPIC)


So, your metabolism performs the Phase 1 and 2 process – the detoxification/transformation of chemicals – but your lymphatic system has a role in removing these as well.

The metabolism detoxes by using Phase 1, which is highly dependent on Anti-oxidants, and Phase 2 which is highly dependent on sulfur, Amino Acids, B Vitamins and things like Glutathione etc. You also need microbiome diversity to help metabolize and detox chemicals. Once everything passes through these phases, it’s important to have healthy Gall-bladder and bowel function to eliminate all of these compounds.

But they’re not all eliminated in fecal matter. There are other pathways through your lymphatic system that are involved in removing toxins, such as sweating and urinating.


The lymphatic system is crucial in getting these toxins moved to your liver so they can go through these Phase 1 and 2 processes. It moves these *metabolyzed compounds around as muscles contract.

*(the metabolyzed compounds are the now water-soluble toxins that went through Phase 1 and 2)

When muscles contract, the lymph nodes that are next to them cause movement of these metabolytes. So in order to have healthy metabolyte function, you have to have movement. That means a sedentary lifestyle (sitting around, desk jobs, etc) is not conducive to a healthy system. You also need sweating to help eliminate these metabolytes. Sweating, urinating, and fecal output are all part of this detoxification to eliminate these chemicals.


So everyone is being exposed to different chemicals through air, water, food, cosmetics, cleaning products, synthetic chemicals, heavy elements like lead, cadmium (found in cigarette smoke, especially second-hand smoke). And if they’re not excreted, then they’re stored in fatty tissue. Your body is essentially trying to keep them away from critical organs to prevent damage. However, when they are stored in body fat they can promote obesity, this is known from well-published research.

We also know that toxic metabolytes like lead are stored in skeletal tissue. So if we can’t metabolize or transform these things, they stay there …until as you age and start to lose bone mass, this lead suddenly floods the bloodstream and can lead to neurological problems.

The other thing that happens when we can’t transform and metabolize chemicals through the Phase 1 and 2 pathways, is that they continue to cause inflammation and become free-radicals in our system. This decreases our anti-oxidant system, which in turn increases our risk for inflammation.

We also find that when these chemicals don’t get metabolized, they start to bind to proteins in our body. The most common protein in our body is albumin. Albumin is there to control our osmotic pressure, which is the ability of our blood vessels to maintain a certain pressure so that we don’t have swelling.


So when chemicals aren’t metabolized and bind to proteins, they become adjuvents, or neo-antigens, which can trigger immune responses. Then your body makes anti-bodies to those antigens and those anti-bodies are highly assoicated with risks for different neuro-degenerative diseases and different auto-immune diseases. So it’s really important for us to detox.

So how do we get detox to happen?

We need all the pathways to be efficient, we need all the different « coin sorters » to work correctly. We need the Gall-bladder to function efficiently. We need a rich and diverse microbiome. We need lots of anti-oxidants and regular bowel movements. We need to make sure the lymphatic system is engaged by having daily exercise, and we need healthy amounts of sweating.

So this is the whole process of detoxification.



So someone can go through life with some of their pathways genetically insufficient, or take medication, or be exposed to high amoungs of chemicals, and these pathways can get taxed.

And this combination of research with different medications causing adverse effects in detoxification, is a field of study called pharmacogenomics. They study how the different gene variations plus your medications can lead to adverse effects, because the body can’t metabolilze them.


So now we have our genes, plus our environment, plus these chemicals. So let’s look at a situation where someone goes on multiple medications or chemicals plus exposure to normal or increased environmental toxins. Their Phase 1 and 2 pathways get depleted. Let’s say they stop eating super foods, healthy foods, they’re eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), so they’re not getting high amounts of flavonoids and anti-oxidants in their diet. If they also smoke, that increases the free radical load. So now their Phase 1 pathways are compromised.

Now let’s say they don’t eat a lot of vegetables, don’t have enough sulfur, the sulfation pathway gets compromised. Let’s say they get pre-diabetic, they can’t get glucose in their cells, now their glucoronidation pathways get unbalanced.

Now let’s say they a COMT gene polymorphism, which happens to twenty five percent of the population. So they can’t methylate very well, (Methylation). Now they respond to toxic chemicals very differently.

Let’s say even further, since their diet is so bad, they don’t have microbiome diversity, so now they can’t bio-transform chemicals through their gut pathways, let’s say they have a sedentary lifestyle, they don’t move or exercise, so their lymphatic system is not working. And if they don’t exercise they also don’t sweat well.

So these things increase the so-called metabolyte load or ’toxic’ load, which causes inflammation and free radicals roaming around your body. These chemicals then get stuck in the circulation system and your body has to adapt, so it stores them in body fat which then increases weight gain. And it stores them in bone density, which can be a problem down the road when they start to have normal bone loss as they age.

Then don’t forget that some of these chemicals bind to proteins in our blood, in our circulation, like Albumin and they create new antigens and they cause this inflammatory response.


For Phase 1 pathways you have to have lots of super foods. Blueberries, raspberries, and foods with high amounts of anti-oxidants. Colorful food is so critical to provide those bio-flavinoids that are so important for everyone. Even taking anti-oxidants like Alpha-lipoic acid or Vitamin E or Glutathione are really important.

Sulphur and things like N-acetyl cysteine are really critical to metabolize compounds. We need sulphur to make glutathione for Phases 1 and 2, and for the bio-transformation that takes place in the gut. So, in addition to high anti-oxidants, you need lots of sulphur, especially when you get exposed to chemicals and multiple medications.

Make sure your microbiome is diverse. You must eat a diet diverse in vegetables and fruits to impact fibers that then lead to different bacteria being formed in your gut. So the more DIVERSE your fiber intake is, the more potential you have to diversify your gut microbiome. See the post, WHAT IS A MICROBIOME AND HOW DO I PROMOTE ITS HEALTH AND DIVERSITY?

And don’t forget movement and exercise which moves your lymphatic system, causes sweating, and gets your gastro-intenstinal motility working.


Now you know the mechanisms of Hepatic Bio-Transformation! Don’t forget to exercise, eat plenty of deeply-colored fruits and vegetables, and get solid sleep!
To help with the last one, take a look at 7 Ways To Optimize Your Sleep.

WHAT IS A MICROBIOME AND HOW DO I PROMOTE ITS HEALTH AND DIVERSITY? Fri, 22 Sep 2023 16:50:49 +0000 ( Read More )]]> Your microbiome are the little bacteria in your intestines, they are crucial to good health. Think about your microbiome like a little zoo.

What if you had the coolest zoo in the world?

Imagine you owned a zoo. It has all kinds of different animals. Land mammals, and sea mammals. You would want all kinds of carnivores and herbivores. You would want all the different species of birds and all the species of fish and amphibians. Insects and molluscs and plants and flowers are all here too! They all have unique and interesting abilities. And each species is housed in its own little terrarium, enclosure or field.

Now to keep a zoo like this healthy, you need to feed each creature the right food. You can’t feed all of the animals hay, because then your carnivores and your fish would starve and die! If you feed them all meat then your herbivores will die off. Plants need water and nutrients, and insects need decaying vegetable and plant material. So you know you can’t just throw in some loaves of bread and expect all the animals to live and thrive!

So you have to have all different kinds of food to feed all of these different animals, every day.

Yes you can have mythical animals in your imaginary zoo.

Now imagine that you have an amazing zoo in your intestines!

This zoo is just like the imaginary zoo above. It’s filled with all sorts of wonderful and diverse bacteria. They all look different and eat different things, and they also all have unique abilities, just like the animals in a real zoo. Those abilities are what they use to keep you healthy. And to keep this fantastic bacteria zoo healthy, you need to feed them the right food too.

But what do you feed bacteria?!

The answer is plant fiber! You need to feed each bacteria the type of plant fiber it likes. These plant fibers are what we call PRE-biotics. It’s the stuff your little bacterial zoo needs to eat, to stay alive and healthy. And guess what? They also keep YOU healthy by using their unique abilities to remove toxins, process nutrients, even help your brain make good decisions!

Eat a wide variety of vegetable fibers!

So for these bacteria to do their job to keep you healthy, you need to keep THEM healthy. According to Canadian Digestive Health Foundation, CDHF, they especially love leafy greens!

But it can be hard to make sure you have a healthy diet when you work every day, have kids, and responsibilities, or whatever takes up your time. So let’s look at an easy way to do this.

The Veggie Smashup

One of the easiest ways to feed all the little guys in your bacterial zoo is to eat a veggie Smashup everyday. This is simply a couple of teaspoons of a veggie mix you eat daily. You can make them yourself and freeze in an ice cube tray.

Veggie Smashup Basics

In a blender, add at least 30-40 different vegetables and fruits in whatever combination you want! If you want to add it to fruit smoothies, use mild vegetables and some fruits. If you want to dissolve a Smashup cube in a cup of hot broth for a Thai-flavor explosion, consider adding cilantro, lime leaves, and lemongrass to your Smashup.
The possibilities are endless!

Examples of different greens

  • Arugula lettuce
  • Bok choy
  • Broccoli and broccoli rabe
  • Butter head lettuce (Boston, bibb)
  • Chard
  • Cilantro
  • Collard greens
  • Dark green leafy lettuce
  • Kale
  • Mesclun
  • romaine
  • chicory
  • escarole
  • endive
  • Mustard greens
  • Parsley
  • Red leaf lettuce
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Turnip greens
  • Watercress

Local Farmers Markets and Co-ops have fresh and organic foods; don’t put a price on your health!


Use only organic produce. Wash and/or rinse thoroughly.

Add a handful of each vegetable/greens to your blender. (20-30 different kinds of vegetables in each batch).

Freeze in an ice cube tray.

Once Frozen, store in freezer in a ziploc or container.


Add one cube daily to a smoothie, in a cup of hot broth, or into any recipe!

Your bacteria are fed!

Origin Recipe: Dr. Datis Kharrazian

Your Gut Feelings – Healthy Bacteria Help You Make Decisions!

Did you know that those little bacteria even help you make decisions and read the world around you?

We rely on our gut feelings and our instincts when we don’t have sufficient knowledge to overcome or handle certain situations. Have you ever had a ‘bad feeling’ or felt like something was ‘not quite right’? That is your gut giving you unconscious cues to steer you towards safety and good decisions!

And another benefit is that when those bacteria are keeping us healthy, our hormones are also in sync with our body. This keeps our instincts sharp and accurate.

This is why animals rely on their instincts; to keep them from harm, to tell them when to mate, to tell them which foods are safe. We are animals too. And although we have a more evolved brain so that we can reason and react to artificial stimulus, if we listen to our gut, it KNOWS the real intentions of people or situations around us.
And it steers us subconsciously towards our best interests.

(Whether a corrupt politician believes their best interests is lying and cheating for their own gain is another matter.)

Studies Show…

A study on simple ‘actions of intention’ showed that people were able to guess the next action of someone simply by watching how and what they were doing before the action was performed!

In the study, people were told to use their gut feelings to make rational guesses. They watched someone reach for a glass of water with the prior intention of either grasping the glass of water to drink it, or grasping the glass of water to pour it out. Watchers were able to predict whether the water would be drunk or poured out with 60-65% accuracy.

So more and more articles and research like this are showing that the bacteria in our gut is closely linked to our brain.

Last Words…

So eat plenty of different types of fruits and vegetables. Fresh herbs mixed in your salad. A handful of spinach and or greens and an avocado in your fruit smoothie. Make the veggie Smashup and toss it in a smoothie or soup. These will ensure that your little microbiotic zoo stays happy and healthy, and keeps YOU happy and healthy too!

To learn about detoxing pesticides from your body, read Hepatic Bio-transformation! AKA detoxing!

Emergency Skin Survival Wed, 18 Jan 2023 20:20:46 +0000 ( Read More )]]> Do you wish your skin looked supple, healthy, and clear? Are you unhappy with the way your skin looks despite skin care products that promise results? In this article, I’ve developed a set of ‘Emergency Skin Survival’ rules that anyone can use to keep your skin looking beautiful and to reverse damage from normal life. Read on to learn how to implement these rules.


  • Protect it from the sun – hats, sunblock, sunshades and clothing
  • Eat fresh, healthy, and whole foods, avoid sugars and packaged foods whenever possible.
  • Don’t rub or scrub your skin too hard
  • Use protective creams and lotions


Your skin is the body’s largest organ. It is there to protect your insides from harmful UV radiation, bacteria, fungi, and from extreme heat and cold. It needs proper care to avoid things like dehydration, pimples, dull skin, sagging, and under-eye circles.

I’ve been a licensed cosmetologist since I was 18 years old, and people always ask me. “How do you keep your skin so beautiful?” So I developed a set of ‘Emergency Skin Survival’ rules that anyone can use to prevent normal damage.

The basic rules of Emergency Skin Survival are just like any survival: PROTECT – FOOD – RESCUE

PROTECT – the first rule is, ‘protect yourself’. Protect yourself from the elements. This is also true for your skin. Daily moisturizer, sun protection, and keeping your skin clean, are all vital components that help your skin protect YOU from harmful things. Things like hats, and protective clothing will help protect your skin. Skin should be kept clean and free of bacteria, and washed and moisturized morning and night.

FOOD – The next rule is, ‘check your supplies‘. This means, find out how to keep yourself hydrated and fed, until you are rescued. For your skin, it. means proper hydration and the right nutrients. Eat fresh and healthy foods. They will keep your skin supple and able to resist damage. You are what you eat, and poor skin health, can lead to skin eruptions and unhealthy skin.

RESCUE The last rule is, ‘survive until rescue’. It may seem a bit odd to apply this to skin care, but think about it like this; if your skin was in a hostile environment, it would need to survive until it was rescued. The truth is, your skin is in a hostile environment every day! Sun, wind, environmental toxins, rubbing and scrubbing, lack of sleep, they all take their toll. And the most susceptible areas of your skin are the things people see the most; the skin on your face, neck and hands. So help your skin to survive with daily rescue. Use moisturizer, keep excess oil off your face with blotting papers, Mask regularly to remove toxins. Be gentle, use your pinky and ring finger only to wash and dry your face.

Want more detailed information on how to adopt your own Emergency Skin Survival rules? Try these 5 SKIN CARE MUST DO’S.


If you have severely dehydrated skin – or want to test for it – look at this post; HYALURONIC ACID TO THE RESCUE! 

To try some at-home skin care exfoliation, take a look at the blog, EXFOLIATING WITH FRUIT. It is an excellent way to keep skin exfoliated naturally, and on a budget.

And don’t forget to sign up for the BEST BEAUTY SECRET EVER! This is the number one trick that French women have been using for over 60 years!

7 Ways to Optimize Your Sleep Mon, 29 Aug 2022 18:34:14 +0000 ( Read More )]]> Are you trying to figure out how to improve the quality of your sleep? Do you often wake up in the middle of the night, have trouble falling asleep, or just don’t sleep well? In this article, we’ll explain how to maximize and improve your sleep with tried and true methods!

To optimize your sleep;

  1. Keep The Room dark
  2. Room temperature At 65-66°F
  3. Remove All Blue Light
  4. Stop Exercise 4 Hours Before Bedtime
  5. No Alcohol Three Hours Before Sleep
  6. Cut Noise Pollution
  7. No Caffeine After 12pm (including soda)

If you’ve ever had to function on a poor night’s sleep, then you already know how it can negatively affect every aspect of your life. So we’ve gathered resources on sleep improvement from top doctors and nutritionists. Continue reading the in-depth information below about each item to learn more about getting a good night’s sleep.

1. Keep The Room Dark

If you’re tempted to disregard this rule because you think you’ve never had an issue with lights keeping you awake at night, think again. The reality is that our circadian rhythm – the 24 hour, human, sleep/wake cycle – is based on outside stimulus to keep ticking normally. When artificial light is introduced, it alters this rhythm and creates disruptions in melatonin production which affects the quality and depth of sleep.

And because melatonin is also an immune system modulator, disruptions can have long-term effects. When light exposure during sleep disrupts melatonin production, it can lead to a poorly functioning immune system.

SLEEP BETTER! At bedtime, turn off all electronics that emit light and use a yellow-bulb bedside lamp for night lighting. Use blackout window draperies, and don’t use your phone in bed, instead, read a book to make you sleepy.

2. Room Temperature at 65-66°F

We’ve all had a night when it was just too hot to sleep! So why are we awake when we feel too hot? Since our sleep cycle responds to outside stimulus, that includes temperature.

Melatonin production helps us sleep deeply, and without waking at night. In a recent study on mammals, lowered temperatures were seen to promote levels of melatonin. So if you are having trouble getting quality sleep, try lowering the temperature of your room to raise levels of melatonin during the night.

SLEEP BETTER! The optimal temperature for sleep is 65-66°F, but keep it at least below 75°F. In hot climates where you have less control over the ambient temperature, try to cool the room to at least 20°F below the outside temperature.

3. Remove All Blue Light

Blue light from TV, phone, computer, and electrical light actually stops the production of melatonin! Blue light is actually sensed by melanoptin cells in your retina, and when they sense it, melatonin production turns off.

SLEEP BETTER! Turn off all electronic and electrical light at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Set your phone, laptop and computer to automatically switch to a yellow screen at 5 pm, or wear blue-light blocking glasses.

The natural light spectrum also produces more blue light in the morning; an evolutionary tactic to activate those melanoptin cells and wake you up in the morning. So keep the room dark if you need to sleep past sunup.

Try Blu-light blockers for evening electronics use.

4. Stop Exercise 4 Hours Before Bedtime

Why? Because it takes approximately 4 hours for your body’s core temperature to drop after exercise. As we mentioned above regarding Room Temperature, higher temperatures – both internal and external – inhibit the production of melatonin, affecting the quality of your sleep.

SLEEP BETTER! Try to exercise at lunch, right after work, or in the morning. Don’t exercise right before you sleep.

5. No Alcohol 3 Hours before Sleep

As enjoyable as it is to have a glass of wine with dinner or an after-dinner cocktail, alcohol negatively affects your sleep. This happens because the neurotransmitters that regulate your sleep/wake cycle – the circadian rhythm – are also affected by alcohol. This changes and disturbs healthy sleep patterns.

SLEEP BETTER! Allow at least 3 hours after your last drink to allow the body to metabolize any alcohol and limit yourself to one drink. Many bars and restaurants will come up with all kinds of fun, non-alcoholic ”mocktails” if you ask. So you can still go out with friends for a celebratory drink!

Sparkling Citrus Mint *non-alcoholic!

Make a non-alcoholic cocktail!

Mojito’ Muddle 1 Tablespoon of caster sugar, 5 mint leaves and the juice of a lime in a glass, add ice and top with sparkling water. Garnish with mint and a lime wedge.

Negroni on ice – Make a simple syrup flavored with grapefruit (juice and peel), cardomom, and coriander. Strain 1 shot glass full over ice, add a shot glass of white grape juice, top off with soda water, and garnish with an orange slice.

There are tons of exciting, non-alcoholic drink recipes on the internet!

6. Cut Noise Pollution

If you’ve ever used a sleep-tracking app, you might have noticed that noise disturbed your sleep cycles,even if you didn’t realize it at the time! The body goes through 4 cycles at night about every 90 minutes of sleep. Each cycle starts with 3 stages of NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, each one progressively deeper, and then 1 stage of REM sleep.

The last stage of NREM – N3 – is crucial as it is the deepest sleep where the body repairs tissue, muscle, bone, and strengthens the immune system. To reach this stage, it is important not to be awakened by noises at night during the preceeding sleep stages.

In this popular sleep app, the sleeper was awakened by coughing noise during deep sleep.

SLEEP BETTER! To minimize noise disturbances during sleep, use earplugs at night, like “Mac’s” wax earplugs for swimmers. They’re comfortable enough for all-night wear, especially if you sleep next to a snorer, or a night mumbler.

Another option is a white noise machine, which keeps the sound level of the room from dropping below a certain decibel range. This means you won’t ’hear’ – or be disturbed – by most noises below that decibel level while sleeping.

Try a free sleep-app to help you regulate and monitor your quality of sleep, especially if you regularly feel fatigued or have trouble concentrating.

7. No Caffeine After 2pm (including soda)

According to an overview of sleep studies, caffeine can help overcome the deficits of sleep deprivation. In the same overview, it was determined that caffeine has a varying effect on different people. Therefore, it’s important to understand that caffeine should not be used as a substitute for sleep, because it affects everyone differently.

In fact, if you find you feel great after a cup of coffee, what you may be experiencing is a ‘net benefit’ of the reversal of caffeine withdrawal following the previous nights, caffeine ’fast’. The reality is that some people may just need better sleep.

Since there are many studies showing the benefits of caffeine on performance and just as many on the negative health effects of poor sleep, it’s wise for anyone who suffers from fatigue, or ’needs’ coffee in the morning to consider that caffeine may be affecting your sleep negatively.

SLEEP BETTER! You may need to stop all caffeine after 12 noon as studies show that caffeine effects can linger for several hours depending on the individual.

….And They Slept Happily Ever After

Now you have the facts to help you get a good night’s sleep! For more information on health and wellness see additional articles on this blog.


Effects of light on human circadian rhythms

Physiology, Sleep Stages!po=1.31579

Alcohol And The Sleeping Brain

Physiology, Sleep Stages!po=1.31579

Effects of caffeine on sleep quality and daytime functioning

The Effects of Red and Blue Lights on Circadian Variations…

Environmental noise and sleep disturbances: A threat to health

Association of Melatonin Production…,factor%20to%20induce%20melatonin%20production.

Caffeine-induced sleep disorder

Hyaluronic Acid to the Rescue! Mon, 16 Mar 2020 14:13:17 +0000 ( Read More )]]> Do you want fresh looking skin? If you’ve been trying to get fresh skin and it ends up looking oily, Hyaluronic Acid may be what you’ve been searching for!

To achieve a youthful and dewy look, it’s important to understand that a lack of hydration – water – is often an underlying problem. Humectants like Hyaluronic Acid, draw water to the skin’s surface, giving you a fresh and youthful complexion.



Hyaluronic Acid increases the hydration of the skin’s surface by binding onto water molecules. This is what gives the skin a ‘dewy’ and fresh appearance.

The very outer layer of your skin, the Stratum Cornuem, consists of cells called *corneocytes. Corneocytes are in the Stratum Corneum, and they age as they move up towards the surface of the skin. As they reach the top of the epidermis, they flatten and slough off of the skin’s surface. 

These corneocytes regulate how well the skin protects the body. Part of that protection, is to regulate the amount of skin hydration. Products formulated with Humectants like Hyaluronic Acid, helps keep those corneocytes from the evil effects of TEWLS; Trans-Epidermal Water Loss.

*Corneocytes can swell roughly 50% in height when fully hydrated22

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To test for dehydrated skin: Stand closely in front of a mirror. Very gently, place your finger along the bottom of your cheekbone - half-way between your nose and ear - and lift just a tiny bit. If you see micro-fine lines on the skin above your finger, the problem is usually dehydrated skin. 


Hyualuronic Acid contains something called Humectants. Humectants are hydrogen molecules that attract water and then form a hydrogen bond. The more hydrogen bonds these molecules can form, the better.  

One of the most well known humectants on the market is Hyaluronic Acid. It contains one of the largest chains of hydrogen molecules of all the types of humectants – (C14H21NO11)n – so it can attract and bind a large number of water molecules. When a humectant like Hyaluronic Acid is added to a moisturizer, it brings needed water to the surface of the skin, making it look fresh and dewy. There are many types of humectants widely used in cosmetics, but for sheer, water-binding properties – without clogging oils – Hyaluronic Acid is at the top of the list.


There are several factors that can cause skin dehydration. An incorrect skin care regimen, an underlying health problem, genetics, or insufficient exfoliation of old cells. The biggest factor for many people however, is our environment. Air pollution, city tap-water, vapors from cleaning products, exposure to extreme weather, and toxic workplaces, are all serious factors that add to skin dehydration.

Luckily, all of these factors can be addressed by good skin care techniques and products. Hyaluronic Acid is one of the best products for improving, and maintaining, hydrated skin.



Without doubt, skin beauty starts on the inside, so if you see a lack of surface hydration on your skin, part of the problem could be your overall health. Skin needs the right vitamins, quality sleep, and regular exercise to keep circulation at its peak. These important concepts have probably been crammed down your throat by every authority on the planet. So, I will simply say; they are right! Overhaul your diet and exercise regime if you want to make sure your skin looks its best.


The scientific research community continues to publish research that shows no conclusive evidence on the relationship between drinking water and skin hydration. Since there is so little research on the effects of hydration and skin health, what is the reality? 

The best thing to do is to use your common sense.

When you are sick, what does the doctor say? Drink plenty of fluids!

When you run a race, what is the most important thing to replenish? Fluids with electrolytes!

When you get dehydrated, what is one of the first signs? A headache!

Your body is made up of 70% water. It then stands to reason, that the cells of the body NEED water to function properly. That includes the cells that make up the skin on your face. Water is part of every cell in your body. Make sure you have enough to allow those cells to function at their best! (Okay, now I’m thirsty)


Your skin is extremely resilient, but severe climates, sun-exposure, harsh chemicals in your personal environment, age, beauty routine, and exercise, can all limit how well – or how poorly – these cells can maintain the proper hydration. Keep your skin looking great by adding one of the Hyaluronic Acid products below, to your beauty regimen, and follow these 5 Skin Care Must Do’s!

“…common skin care practices significantly influence the water binding materials in the upper SC[Stratum Corneum].”

Robinson, M., Visscher, M., Laruffa, A., & Wickett, R. (2010). Natural moisturizing factors (NMF) in the stratum corneum (SC). I. Effects of lipid extraction and soaking. Retrieved from


Skin Obsession, is a very economical choice if you’re looking for a moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid. Their Oil Free Day Cream, and Oil Free Night Cream are both excellent for oily or combination skin types. They are rich and creamy, without being heavy. At a price point of just under $12.00, it’s an excellent deal!

Keep your dry skin extra moisturized, with the hydration of Hyaluronic Acid, with Farmacy: Honeymoom Glow. I love the texture, and the honey scent light and rich at the same time! Find it on their website, and at Sephora for $58. It has Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, which helps it to penetrate deeper into dry skin. An extra bonus is that it includes AHA to help remove the old surface cells This allows the product to work with the corneocytes for maximum hydration and repair.

I absolutely love WATER DRENCH Hyaluronic Cloud Cream, buy it for $52 direct from Peter Thomas Roth or Sephora. It owes it’s ability to keep skin hydrated to a 30% complex of Hyaluronic Acids. These complexes are made to layer the maximum amount of hydrogen bonding molecules on your skin, without a clogging feeling of oils and waxes. It has a fresh scent, and a lovely, creamy texture that feels like a layer of pure water on your skin… I use it right under my regular moisturizer to keep a long-lasting glow!

No part of my morming or night-time routine is complete, without the amazing scent, and luscious feel of, Fresh: Rose – Deep Hydration Sleeping Mask. $50 at Sephora or Fresh. I use it day and night! It is excellent for dry, oily, and combination skin. It has a wonderful scent of tea roses, and feels wonderful on dehydrated skin. Even with my oily complexion, I don’t get shiny patches with this product, just a dewy, all-over glow, that lasts for hours! 

The jar is separated into two sides; one is a gel, and one is a cream. They work together, or you can use them separately to add hydration, depending on what your skin needs each day. For daytime use, I put the gel on directly after I wash my face, then I layer on my regular moisturizer; if the weather is extreme, I use both! At night, I use the gel, then the cream, to keep a layer of hydration on my skin while it regenerates during the sleep cycle.


There are many products rich in Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid has a proven ability to capture and hold tons of moisture onto your skin. So, if you want hydrated and dewy looking skin, give it a try! You will love it as much as I do!

Don’t forget to sign up for the BEST BEAUTY SECRET EVER! This is the number one, super-inexpensive trick that French women have been using for over 60 years!

HOW TO USE VITAMIN C TO CURE A VIRUS, COLD, OR INFECTION Sat, 14 Mar 2020 23:00:36 +0000 ( Read More )]]> Vitamin C has long been underrated for it’s amazing curative properties, so I’m interrupting the post I was planning about ‘Facial Yoga’, to address the concerns of Coronavirus.

Everyone is very concerned about contracting the Coronavirus, and rightly so. Many people are already immune compromised, or have health issues that would make them extremely susceptible to a virus that can and does attack any weakened body system.

This post will integrate many of the articles about Vitamin C from because it’s a source I have used and trusted for over 25 years.


Covid has undergone so many mutations, that it’s difficult to know if you’ve been infected. So how do you know when to start taking Vitamin C to stop it from becoming a full-blown illness?

The answer: Start titering with Vitamin C as soon as you feel any symptoms of malaise coming on.

Symptoms of Covid could include:

  • Scratchy or dry throat
  • Cough with or without congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or Body aches
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (sometimes it feels like tightness in the chest)
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If you have any of these symptoms, start taking Vitamin C right away. Set a timer on your phone so that you don’t forget. Keep the Vitamin C in your pocket if you have to! You must keep taking the Vitamin C at regular intervals so that your blood is saturated. The saturation is what prevents the illness from taking over.

Now you’re probably wondering, “But how much do I take?!” This next section will explain how to saturate or, ‘titer’ your blood with Vitamin C.


‘Blood Titering’ and ‘Blood Saturation’ mean how much of the substance is in your bloodstream when measured in a laboratory.

Andrew W. Saul explains that when using Vitamin C medicinally, people should ‘saturate’, or ‘titer’ their system to ‘bowel tolerance’. As in the quote above, this means how much Vitamin C you can take before you have *loose stools. (*Also known by a number of slang terms, haha! You can choose your favorite when explaining it to your friends.)

“Vitamin C in high, very frequent oral doses will achieve blood plasma concentrations approaching, but not as high as, intravenous infusion. 

By “high,” I mean in the range of 30,000 to 100,000 milligrams per day, and 500-2,000 milligrams per dose

By “very frequent,” I mean taking 500-2,000 mg every ten minutes you are awake. 

How do you know if you took enough? You feel better. 

How do you know if you took too much? You will have loose stools. At that point, of course, you back off and take less.

How much less? Enough to still feel better, and not so much as causes loose stools.

If you do not think this will work, it is probably because you have not tried it.”

Saul, Andrew W. “Vitamin C: Achieving Maximum Oral Dosing.” Vitamin C: Maximizing Oral Intake,


A good place to start is by understanding that vitamins play a major role in keeping us healthy. They even correct illness and disease. You can find a great article about this topic on; Why Vitamin Supplements?


Cathcart, Robert F. “VITAMIN C, TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE, ANASCORBEMIA, AND ACUTE INDUCED SCURVY.” How to Determine Vitamin C Dosage, Allergy, Environmental, and Orthomolecular Medicine,

To put it simply, Vitamin C has been, and continues to be used, to treat numerous infectious and other diseases. This simple chart below is from the website (Link to the full article here). it’s from a paper on Vitamin C by Robert F. Cathcart MD which shows the amounts of Vitamin C used for different illnesses or problems:

As you can see, there are many uses for Vitamin C Therapy!


NOTE: If you have a sensitive stomach, use a buffered form of Vitamin C. Here is the advice of Andrew W. Saul, from the article, 'Tablet Taking Tactics' on his website:

“* Persons sensitive to regular vitamin C (ascorbic acid) may take buffered C. It is available as calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, or sometimes as magnesium ascorbate. AscorBATE is non-acidic vitamin C. Some “buffered vitamin C” is just ascorbic acid mixed with some ground up dolomite (a natural calcium-rich rock). This is usually cheaper, but one teaspoon may provide only 2,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C. One teaspoon of sodium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate provides about 4,000 mg of C. Because you tend to get what you pay for, always read the label.”

Retrieved March 16, 2020 from



‘Bowel tolerance’, simply refers to the amount of Vitamin C your system will absorb and use within a period of time. You want to reach and maintain saturation. If you feel the beginnings of loose stools, you’ve reached bowel tolerance.

Keep notes on the times and amounts of Vitamin C you take and adjust it to keep saturated, without having loose stools.


Please believe me, when you have read all of the research done on Vitamin C through the years, and seen the studies that have been done CORRECTLY, using LARGE ENOUGH DOSES of Vitamin C, you will realize that Vitamin C is very effective!

The use of doses of tens of thousands of milligrams of vitamin C per day may be the most unacknowledged successful research in medicine.

Saul, Andrew W. “Vitamin C High-Dose Therapy for Major Diseases.” Vitamin C Therapy: The Real Story, Andrew W. Saul,

Go to this page on VItamin C IV’s, on Andrew Saul’s website. Scroll down to the links provided on line 9, “Know the facts about vitamin C IVs.” Click the links, read them, and research the citations yourself. Read the publications and trials, not just the titles and abstracts, and make your own determination. That’s what I did. It’s also how I’ve cured every flu, cold or infection that has come my way, and it’s why I am disseminating this information!


If you want to get Vitamin C intravenously in the hospital, make sure you read this informative post from Andrew W. Saul’s website explaining how to do so. – HOW TO GET A VITAMIN C IV IN HOSPITAL

Saul lists things you can do to get a Vitamin C IV, such as getting notes from your doctor, getting written verification from the hospital, and even getting help from a lawyer.

He has links that you’ll need to read, all about Vitamin C. You need to read them, so that you can be confident in your Vitamin C knowledge. You need to know what to say, when, and if, you are confronted by doctors who have no prior experience in using Vitamin C IV’s. ( or who just think you’re crazy)


On Andrew W. Saul’s website, there is even a page showing resources to order Vitamin C for IV use, and an actual recipe that you can use, so the doctor can make Vitamin C Intravenous Fluid. – SHOW THE DOCTOR THE RECIPE FOR MAKING A VITAMIN C IV There is clear information on the pros and cons of both options.


Studies that claim Vit C is ineffective, and claims by doctors or laboratories that claim this, ALWAYS show that they used inadequate amounts of Vit C. I have personally read these entire studies myself, you should read them too!

This article by Andrew W. Saul – who has over 40 years experience researching, and publishing natural health information – has a crazy amount of information.

It contains information and links to find the studies and treatments that have successfully used Vitamin C. It is a LOT of reading, but the results are conclusive; VITAMIN C CURES PEOPLE!


Unfortunately – and I can’t even guess as to the reasons why – mainstream media, and the medical community have been discounting the truth – that Vitamin C cures disease – for many years!

But it is not a hoax. Again, read all of the research for yourself, not just abstracts, and don’t believe anything without READING THE INFORMATION AND RESEARCHING IT YOURSELF. Only then will you will realize that we have a very potent resource at our fingertips. 

The information and knowledge of Vitamin C has been readily available – and used with great efficacy – by a huge community of people who know the truth. There have even been published results from China in the last few weeks by several doctors who have been using Intravenous solutions of Vit C to cure patients of Coronavirus.


You don’t have to believe me – although over the last 30 years I have spent many long hours reading the research and trials for and against Vit C, read it for yourself! 

I have cured myself many times of various sicknesses over the years – kidney infections, flu, colds – by simply using regular, mega-doses of Vit C.  Read this post by Andrew W. Saul which talks about the ever present virus.


Yes, it takes a COMMITTMENT to dose yourself regularly, and with enough Vit C. It’s a huge pain in the butt to make sure you are maintaining a constant blood saturation of Vitamin C – to ‘bowel tolerance’ – at home.

It takes committment to read the articles, and to be prepared to stop your personal and work life to heal yourself; because it can bring your life to a halt while you sit at home taking Vit C every 10-30 min!

But the committment is worth it when you feel better. It’s worth it when you cure yourself in days instead of weeks, with a huge reduction in symptoms. 

Take charge of your health, read the studies, look up things you don’t understand. No one else is going to do it for you, that is why the website is called DOCTOR YOURSELF.


I have to add this, because I don’t want to be sued for someone’s failure to understand or use, the information I have provided here. And I don’t want anyone to go against their doctor’s advice if they are already under treatment.

I am not a doctor, and I do not have a medical degree. Never change medications you are currently taking, before consulting a doctor. The advice on this page comes from experience, and helping friends and family to heal themselves with Vitamin C mega-dosing.

MINIMIZE PORES! Sun, 23 Feb 2020 22:49:17 +0000 ( Read More )]]> Who doesn’t want flawless, porcelain skin with no pores? The truth is, if you have visible pores, there is technically no way to change the size, but you can greatly minimize their appearance with these techniques and treatments.

Why are my pores large?

Larger pores are generally related to the amount of oil your skin produces, and to genetics. You do WANT oil production, but it’s important to keep that oil production on your face to a normal level. If there is an overabundance of oil, your pores will look larger, and it can increase their size over time, if it is not regulated. This is why good skin care cannot begin too early in life!


The most important step to minimizing pores – minimizing their appearance – is regular skin care.

  • Find a great cleanser, and gently wash your face morning and night.
  • Use a moisturizer for oily or combination skin types, one that keeps your skin hydrated, without adding too much oil.
    • Skin Obsession is a great company, with low-cost effective products. Their BALANCING FACIAL OIL, will keep your skin hydrated and help normalize over-production of oil.
  • Use a clay mask 1-2 times a week. Clay will naturally remove excess oil, as well as toxins, and help balance oil production.


As well as proper skin care, one of the best things I have found to minimize pores, is a regular application of baking soda. It will clean the excess oil and bacteria out of the pores, and allow them to shrink. It’s also great if you have regular breakouts, because it kills bacteria.

How to use Baking Soda to minimize pores:

  • First, splash your clean face with fresh water.
  • Then, take about 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, ( I like BOB’S RED MILL from Thrive Market).
  • USING ONLY THE PINKY AND THIRD/RING FINGER, gently spread the baking soda around your face for about 20 seconds. AVOID THE EYES AND EYE AREA.
  • Finally, rinse well and wash with a gentle cleanser.

I find this easy to do in the shower in the morning. Keep a little, water-proof, plastic jar of baking soda in the bathroom.


Using a mask is one of the least remembered skin care tip for minimizing pores. Clay is well known for its absorbent, healing, and detoxifying properties. Studies show that animals even eat clay to absorb toxins from the food they eat. You can purchase very inexpensive clay, like AZTEC SECRETS: INDIAN HEALING CLAY. I also love FRESH: UMBRIAN PURIFYING TREATMENT BAR from Sephora. It’s a clay pressed into a bar shape, and is excellent for traveling.

How to use a clay mask to minimize pores:

  • Clean and gently dry your skin.
  • Spread a thin layer of the mask over the skin, *avoiding the eye area.
    • *This is the area inside the bones – or orbital ridges – around your eyes.
  • Leave the mask on for 5 to 20 minutes.
    • Do not allow the mask to dry on the face, this can break down the collagen fibers under your skin and causing wrinkling. You can avoid drying by spritzing the mask with clean water.
  • Soak a hand towel in hot water, then wring it out. Place the cloth in a clockwise motion over the mask for 30 seconds, pressing gently.
  • Now, using the hand towel, gently wipe away the mask, USING ONLY THE PINKY AND THIRD/RING FINGER.
  • Rinse the excess mask off with plenty of clean, warm water.
 If you have time, soak a hand towel in hot water, wring it out, then lie down and wrap it over your facial mask, in a clockwise motion, leaving your nose free to breathe. Relax for 5 minutes. The warmth will help the clay penetrate while it absorbs excess oil, toxins, and impurities.

Now is the time to apply specialized serums or treatments!

  • An excellent, homemade, skin serum, using therapeutic essential oils, will penetrate and improve the skin from the inside out. Simply add one drop each of lavender, rose, and geranium essential oils to a dropper full of Argan Oil. Apply it to the face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Trader Joe’s carries Argan Oil, and it’s quite inexpensive. Another excellent source is JOSIE MARAN ARGAN OIL from Sephora.


Now we come to the last section, products you can use to help minimize those pores. There are probably hundreds on the market, but they are not all the same.

Some products are formulated to basically ‘spackle’ – or fill in – the pores, to make them appear smoother.

Fill-type products:

  • Benefit: THE POREFESSIONAL I tried this product, and although it did fill-in the large pores, as well as make a smoother base for applying make-up and powder, I felt that it actually left my pores appearing larger once it was washed off.
  • DR BRANDT: PORES NO MORE Again, I liked the way this seemed to make the pores appear smaller, as well as provide a smooth make-up base. I felt like the pores actually looked better after a few weeks. It contains Tea Tree, a popular and effective product in skin care, especially for those with oily skin.

Other products are formulated to tighten and shrink the pores. WITCH HAZEL is the number one, least expensive product you can use to minimize pores. Many companies have taken advantage of its excellent, pore-minimizing effect.

Shrink and tighten type products:

  • CAUDALIE: VINOPURE MINMIZING SERUM. This product uses salicylic acid, a popular cosmetic ingredient used for years in the battle against oily skin and acne. As the name Implies, it is an acid, and it will cause the skin to peel. It can be irritating to sensitive skin.
  • MARIO BADESCU: WITCH HAZEL & ROSEWATER TONER. A classic Witch Hazel, with naturally moisturizing rose oil and rosewater.
  • THAYERS WITCH HAZEL MIST. Another inexpensive product made from Witch Hazel, in mist form! It also includes naturally moisturizing rose.


Almost everyone has blotted the oil off their skin to remove that unappealing, oily, shine. It’s actually also a very effective way to minimize the amount of oil clogging and stretching your pores.

PALLADIO RICE PAPER TISSUE, has been around for years. It’s a very effective and low cost blotting paper. Keep them handy and blot your face several times a day.

Sephora carries several types of blotting paper. I recommend finding one in your price range, and trying it out for a few days. If it causes you irritation, Sephora has a great return policy

SHISEIDO: OIL CONTROL BLOTTING PAPERS are also excellent. They are very well-known for quality skin care products. The blotting papers absorb oil, and leave a microscopic film of very fine, transluscent powder on the skin. I love to indulge myself with these!

Now you know the techniques to minimize your pores! By taking care of your skin, regular masking, and using products designed to normalize oil, and shrink pores, you will be doing everything in your power to keep those pores to a minimum!

Chemical or Manual Exfoliation, What’s the Difference? Fri, 14 Feb 2020 21:00:41 +0000 ( Read More )]]> What is the difference? Manual Exfoliaters are products which rub or scrub off the top layer of skin, and Chemical Exfoliaters are products that remove dead cells with an acid or chemical.

Why Exfoliate?

As the body produces new skin cells in the dermal layer, dead skin cells are pushed up to the top of your skin. These old cells build up and make your skin look dull and wrinkled.
This cycle of skin regeneration happens about every 30 days. This means we need to remove that layer of dead cells to reveal the fresh new ones underneath.

Chemical Exfoliation

Chemical Exfoliation has many names, resurfacing, acid peeling, chemical peeling, exfoliating peel, and many other terms. They all refer to any product designed to dissolve or loosen the top layers of dead skin cells.

Chemical exfoliants can be made from Salycilic, Trichloracetic, Glycolic, Malic, and other acids designed for that purpose. Some Chemical Exfoliants are very strong, and actually blister the skin so that it peels off; this process is best left to a dermatologist or esthetician.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids

There are plenty of low-strength, effective peels you can do at home. There are also plenty of excellent, low cost products that can help you remove dead skin cells without expensive and painful dermatologist visits.

One of the simplest chemical exfoliants you can incorporate into your skincare routine is AHA, (alpha hydroxy acid). There are hundreds of day and night creams, serums and products that include varying amounts of AHA. It’s a very popular and effective way to exfoliate the skin.

A safe and simple way to gently remove dead, surface skin-cells, is by FRUIT EXFOLIATION. Easy to do during breakfast!

Manual Exfoliation

Manual Exfoliation refers to any method of exfoliation that rubs or scrapes off the skin to remove the dead surface cells.

Scrubs sold over the counter are a well known and common method of skin exfoliation. Scrubs can be made from synthetic and perfectly round micro-beads. They can also be made from the ground shells of nuts or fruit seeds, from salt or sugar crystals, and various other types of granulated products.

Loofahs, washcloths, gauze pads or any other item that is used on the skin can also be a means of manual exfoliation. 

To limit damage from Manual Exfoliation, only use light pressure. To do this, use only the pinky and third finger when rubbing the skin.

Why avoid Manual Exfoliation?

The constant aggravation of gritty scrubs or harsh cloth can create micro-tears on the skin, leading to thickened skin over time. This happens because the skin is trying to protect itself.

Now, I am not saying to avoid Manual Manipulation of your facial skin. Facials and massages for the purpose of creating blood flow and toning muscles is great for your skin.

But too much scrubbing and rubbing will not only create micro-tears, it will also break the delicate web of collagen fibers that holds your skin attached to the muscle underneath. Wondering why your skin looks saggy at 30 years old? The culprit could be scrubbing!

When To Use Manual Exfoliation

Without a doubt, I always recommend using Chemical Exfoliation. Any kind of scrubbing or rubbing of the skin for the purpose of exfoliation should be avoided.
But there is instance where I recommend any kind of scrubbing product on the skin and that is a GENTLE application of baking soda for MINIMIZING PORES and reducing acne.

In Conclusion.

Now that you understand the difference between Chemical and Manual Exfoliation, learn the 7 SKIN CARE MUST DO’S!
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